Details About
New Mexico’s Medical Cannabis Program currently allows medical cannabis patients from out of state to possess and purchase medical cannabis while in New Mexico. Urban Wellness proudly offers medical cannabis to reciprocal participants.
For full details, please click here and scroll to page 44 to review DOH guidelines. Visit the DOH website for their contact details.
Who qualifies as a reciprocal participant?
A patient with proof of authorization from a medical cannabis program outside of New Mexico (from any state, the District of Columbia, a territory or commonwealth of the U.S., or a New Mexico Indian nation, tribe, or pueblo) qualifies as a reciprocal patient.
What documents are required as proof of authorization?
Reciprocal patients must provide a valid ID and a valid government-issued cannabis card or document from the same state as the ID provided.
Each qualifying patient will be issued a New Mexico Reciprocal Patient ID upon their first visit to a New Mexico Dispensary. Once provided a reciprocal document all three forms must be present at the time of visit to make a purchase.
Under no circumstances once so ever is Medical Cannabis from NM allowed to cross over state lines to another state. If you take medical cannabis across state lines you will be held accountable according to that state's laws.
No medicating in public areas, or national parks.
How much medical cannabis may reciprocal participants purchase and possess?
Reciprocal participants may purchase and possess up to 230 units or 8 ounces of cannabis in a 90-day period.
Do Reciprocal Participants Pay additional Fees for their medicine?
A patient with proof of authorization from a medical cannabis program outside of New Mexico may purchase medical cannabis from New Mexico dispensaries without paying any additional fee. There are no additional fees to become a patient.
Does my medical condition qualify?
Reciprocal participants may have qualifying conditions that are not currently approved for medical cannabis patient status in New Mexico, and they are not required to comply with New Mexico’s patient card application nor renewal requirements.